Unlocking ROI with BuildOS: The Ultimate Assembly Work Instruction Software

In today's competitive manufacturing landscape, optimizing every aspect of your production process is essential. One area often overlooked is the creation of work instructions—a critical step that, when optimized, can drive significant ROI. At Dirac, we're not just about innovation; we’re about driving real results. With BuildOS, our assembly work instruction software, companies are transforming their mechanical assembly processes and seeing substantial returns on investment.

Hard ROI: Quantifiable Savings with BuildOS

Consider the experience of a VP of Engineering at an Aerospace supplier who shared, "It took us three days to create work instructions for a product. With BuildOS, it took us only three hours to create a better version of those work instructions." This represents a staggering ~90% time savings, translating directly into cost reductions.

Let's break it down further:

  • Engineer Time Savings: Your engineers are well-paid, and they spend a significant amount of time drafting work instructions. Imagine reducing that time by a factor of 10x or more. The cost savings are immediate and substantial. If an engineer costs $100/hour and you can save 27 hours per instruction set, that’s a savings of $2,700 for just one product. Multiply that across multiple products and projects, and the savings become monumental.

  • Increased Throughput: With BuildOS, faster creation of work instructions means quicker handoff to production, leading to faster time-to-market. This acceleration can be the difference between winning a contract and losing it to a competitor.

Soft ROI: The Hidden Value of BuildOS

While the hard savings are impressive, the soft ROI elements of BuildOS are just as compelling:

  • Avoid Missed Deadlines: Missing customer delivery dates due to delayed or incomplete work instructions can have a cascading effect on your business, leading to penalties, lost contracts, and reputational damage. BuildOS ensures your instructions are ready on time, every time.

  • Reduction in Production Errors: Poorly crafted work instructions often lead to mistakes on the assembly line, causing rework, waste, and inefficiency. With BuildOS, the clarity and accuracy of your work instructions are vastly improved, reducing errors and enhancing overall production quality.

  • Reallocate Engineer Time: The time engineers previously spent on creating work instructions can now be redirected towards product development, innovation, and other high-value tasks that drive your business forward.

  • Ease of Training: BuildOS simplifies the process of training new employees, even those with little experience in creating work instructions. This reduces the training burden and accelerates onboarding, ensuring new hires are productive sooner.

  • Knowledge Retention: When seasoned engineers or technicians leave, they often take with them critical, undocumented knowledge. BuildOS captures and standardizes this knowledge, ensuring that it remains within your organization, reducing the risk associated with turnover.

Why Choose BuildOS?

BuildOS is more than just work instruction software—it's a powerful tool that drives measurable results:

  • Save Time: Automate the creation of work instructions, reducing manual effort by 80% or more.

  • Increase Accuracy: Minimize errors and rework, cutting waste and boosting production efficiency.

  • Enhance Productivity: Free up your engineering teams to focus on innovation, not documentation.

  • Boost Profitability: Achieve faster time-to-market and lower operational costs, increasing your bottom line.


Investing in BuildOS is investing in the future of your company. By streamlining the creation of work instructions, you'll not only see immediate financial savings but also improve the overall efficiency and resilience of your operations. In an industry where every minute counts and every error costs, BuildOS stands out as the solution that delivers hard and soft ROI, driving real, tangible results for your business.

Ready to see the difference BuildOS can make? Contact us today to schedule a demo and start your journey towards more efficient, accurate, and profitable assembly work instructions.

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